Awards Ceremony (May 2021)

Outstanding Volunteer & Captain’s Personal Merit

For all the work that she has done, the crew portraits, the pod casts and the Website I would like to Outstanding Volunteer Award for they stepped up to edit the podcast, and it is a good 8+ hours a week and I feel she is doing a great job.

I would also like to put her up for the Captain’s Personal Merit, Nikki has filled the role of Co-GM without really asking or being given that role. She is a rock and she not only does some of the background stuff but she plays her Character ‘Elli’ with such passion and is always looking to improve how she plays Elli.

Ben, Matt P., Will, Paul
Professional Merit

I would also like to give the other players the Professional Merit. It was difficult getting things off the ground, I make some mistakes and I am thankful none of them decided to throw it in at those times. They are a wonderful crew, and in my most unbiased opinion are the best crew in the fleet… well maybe tied for second with the Eagle!

Matt P.
Unit of Merit

I would also like to give Matthew, who plays our incredibly talented pilot and Second Officer, the Ribbon of Merit. His character has lead the team when the XO is away and in this last session proved that he wouldn’t risk the lives of his officers if he wasn’t willing to risk his own. He saved them all at great personal risk, and injury.