“Reasons for Optimism” (Session #12)

Solo Post by Lt McIntyre
562 words

“Personal log. Lieutenant Scott McIntyre.

It’s been a few days since we got back from the planet’s surface. It’s kind-of a relief not to have to stick to basic rations any more, though I think the greater relief is not having to listen to any more of Alexander’s bad jokes. We smiled and laughed, but…I guess we were trying to keep our spirits up while we were waiting for rescue.

He didn’t have too many jokes when we blew up that alien space station, though. I don’t blame him; all those people meeting that kind of end – I think we all knew it would have been in poor taste.

I’ve prepared a report for Starfleet Command on the exotic matter portal-creation technology we encountered. A few people have said it was a shame to destroy that kind of data; the scientific advances we might have made with it would have been incredible. So they say. I’m more concerned about a desperate and dangerous Tal Shiar getting hold of something like that on the edge of their own borders. Knowing them, that technology would spell disaster for the rest of the galaxy, never mind the quadrant. We’re out here to explore, and to make peace. If there’s anything I’ve learned over the years, weapons don’t usually make peace.

Thankfully, Lt Elli-Navine was in agreement with our actions. I know she would have loved to explore that station for another few days, but she’ll have to make do with what we did find. I’m not sure how Captain Pax feels about her fooling around with that alien battery pack we brought back – especially with the port nacelle still in pieces – but I wonder if it’s her way of dealing with the loss of an entire community of people. If only we’d been there a few days earlier…

Elli has been really helpful in helping me understand the strange energy pistol we brought back with us too. She kept saying something about dissipation of force reaction, which I guess means that the recoil is next to nothing considering it uses kinetic energy instead of directed-energy. Either way, we tried it out on the range and it packs some nice punch for its size. We ended up calling it a Claymore pistol. Nice to have a little reminder of home.

The Captain wants us to stick around the system for a little while until the ship is in better shape. There’s not much for me to do other than keep monitoring for hazards and helping Cmdr Pride stow some of the dead crew’s effects. Someone’s got to do it, and I’d rather make myself useful than mope about it.

Maybe once we’re able to get underway the crew can get back to being a little more optimistic again. We’re exploring, after all. That should be a cause for excitement, right?

Scott glanced up from reviewing his personal log as Lieutenants Olixia and Vandar poked their heads into his office.

“Yeah?” he grunted.

“Sorry, Lieutenant. It’s Basen…” the Bajoran transporter chief mumbled apologetically.

“Again?” Scott sighed. “What was it this time?”

“I think you’ll need to see for yourself, sir.”

Closing the log, Scott stood up from his desk. “I swear, if he’s broken those phaser coils again. C’mon, let’s get to him before the Captain finds out.”