USS Potemkin | Season One
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TBR: Potemkin Season 1 was played
from March 2021-July 2021
(total 15 episodes + OF Day feature)
**Episode One- Unrecorded**
**Episodes Two, Three, & Four coming soon**
Cast and Crew
TBR: Potemkin | Season One
GM: Matt D. as Captain Toron Pax
Matt P. as Lieutenant Commander Ezekiel Pride (Pilot)
Will as Doctor Alexander Artopolis (CMO)
Nikki as Lieutenant Elli-Navine (Engineer)
Paul as Lieutenant Scott McIntyre (Security)
Recurring NPCs:
Daniel Basin (Security) by Will
Olivia Sonat (Science) by Matt P.
Guest Players:
Ben: TBR Potemkin S1E1, S1E2, S1E8
Jill: TBR Potemkin S1E10